baby led weaning is when you forego the purees and go straight in at the deep end with appropriate finger foods. the gill rapley guidelines for baby led weaning are accessible through our links list.
this is our nearly baby led weaning diary. the best place to start is at the bottom and work your way up. enjoy! hilly and charlotte.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
dinner last night
i had to add a picture of charlotte demolishing a jelly for dinner last night. i saw it on baby billy's blog and thought it looked like fun. none was eaten, but she thoroughly enjoyed slapping it so it splashed everywhere. never again!
when Charlotte was born, like all new parents, Tom and I were determined to do the best for her. in our case, this involved breast feeding to 6 months to reduce the risk of her getting the family eczema, asthma and hay fever. i hadn't really considered what came next, so coming up to the 6 month mark i researched weaning and came across the Gill Rapley paper. baby led weaning seemed the obvious next stage for us, so i looked for books to give me some guidance.
as most blw mothers will tell you, there are no books. there is no need as every baby is different, and as long as you stick to the Gill Rapley guidelines you can't go far wrong. i noticed that other blw mothers had blogs and these seem to be the best source of information and tips. i hope that my blog is as useful to you as they (still) are to me.
1 comment:
Yay for jelly!
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