firstly, i made some pasta sauce for the monkey today. it was griddled courgette, carrot, chicken and cherry tomato with basil. i didn't puree it, i pulsed it until the lumps were quite small. she had some with pasta for tea and ate a piece and a half of pasta and also some of the sauce on a spoon (lumps and all). she also had a good amount of pureed mango and banana for pudding. yippee!
other good news is that i had a reply from the ABM to my e-mail. i had asked about delayed introduction of solids and if it had any health implications. the email included a link to a
kellymom page which was brilliant. it explained a lot about why babies don't always want solids at 6 months and made it clear that breastfeeding exclusively for up to a year is perfectly ok. there are also loads of links on the
following page regarding delaying solids.
i am really pleased about all of this. i know it does not address the frequent night nursing or early waking, but hey, one thing at a time!